Cant Rails 1800x72x32mm
Round Top Wicket Panels
Round Top Wicket Panels
This is the ideal fencing to edge your front garden or as a rear garden divide. The Wicket Fence Range is a great fence for maintaining open-ness in your garden without compromising your property boundaries. All pressure treated Green, with round top pales.
Wicket Gates
Wicket Gates
This is the ideal fencing to edge your front garden or as a rear garden divide. The Wicket Fence Range is a great fence for maintaining open-ness in your garden without compromising your property boundaries. All pressure treated Green, with round top or pointed top pales.
***Note the width of the gate is 1000mm (1m). The height is the only variable
Wicket Pales
Wicket Pales
Individual wicket pales to build your own wicket panel or gate. or to create a continuous fence
Chestnut Pale Fencing
Chestnut fencing is widely used in agricultural applications because it is an extremely cost effective and easy to erect method of fencing, it is also extensively used in farm fencing as permanent or temporary boundary fences and to prevent livestock from escaping. Available in 3 or 4ft tall panels
Chestnut pale fencing is a traditional style of fencing that has been around for many years, and because it can be rolled back after use, or if you need to change the location of the perimeter fence, chestnut fencing is the perfect solution when needing to erect a temporary boundary.
Made from natural plant materials native to the Philippines, bring rustic finish to you garden.
*when hanging manila rope between posts we recommend you allow an 10% length to compensate to natural shrinkage when wet